Dipity Time Line on Tom Douglas Restaurants

Dipity Time Line on Tom Douglas Restaurants

One of Tom Douglas' new restaurants is the Dahlia Workshop Biscuit Bar where fresh pastries are made from scratch every day.

I just finished making my Dipity time line of Tom Douglas Restaurants, which I mentioned I was doing in my post about great content ideas that don’t include lots of writing. I used Dipity, which was quite easy to use.

You can take a look at the time line here . Ditpity is working with WordPress to allow users to embed the time line on blogs, but they haven’t reached an agreement – yet.

One of Tom Douglas' new restaurants is the Dahlia Workshop Biscuit Bar where fresh pastries are made from scratch every day.

Dipity has a free and premium version. I used the free version, which has lots of social media tags and allows you to link videos and to map your locations. 

I would like to suggest they add an option allowing you to aggregated all the data points on one map, which in my example shows you how close all the restaurants are to each other.

If you have lots of dates, you might want to write out descriptions and choose photos ahead of time

I didn’t, and because I don’t work for TDR, I didn’t have access to photos that would be most appropriate.

So I grabbed some stock photos from my own site and used royalty free photos to fill out my timeline.

I like the way Dipity gives you several options to view the time line, adding flipbooks and mapping, which I think were great additions.

What do you like about Dipity and the time line I created? Do you have items on your site that might make a great time line?
